Thursday, May 11, 2006

Behind a Frowning Providence, He hides a Smiling Face

This is an email that I received from very good friends of mine. Please take a moment to read it over. It shows God's amazing love!

I Peter 1:3, 6-7 "Praise be to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope. . . In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so your faith - of greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire - may be proved genuine and result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."

Hello Dear Family,

Yesterday we had a tremendous thunder storm with lightening, thunder, and lots of rain. This morning the sky is blue and the sun is peaking up over the horizon bringing with this new and beautiful day, fresh hope in our desire to build a family. God has filled Mistin and I with fresh hope this last week. There's been a lot of rain falling the last couple years, but the forecast is all sunshine right now!

First, it looks like Ciara will soon become our child through adoption.

Second, well. . . look at the picture. In one of the busiest months of our lives (seminary and two foster babies) without the help of any charting, hormones, or physician assistance, God has smiled upon us and we are in awe.

(two stripes=positive)

Amazed by God's Grace,

Dennis & Mistin


Anonymous said...

Talk about double answers to prayer! I am so excited to see how God has blessed Dennis and Mistin and will continue to pray for them and their GROWING family!

christina said...

wow, that's great news! i love those kind of stories!! hey, keep it up on your work out. you are doing great and looking fab! it's hard work but i know it pays off.

joydriven said...

fabulous, fabulous, fabulous.

Anonymous said...

i don't even know Dennis and Mistin, but was in tears at thier news. I have followed them through your blog and am soooo happy for them on both situations. God really is good, and has perfect timing. I will pray for Mistins continued health during her pregnancy.

Katie said...

Wow, how amazing! I'm so happy for Dennis & Mistin. That pic of the preg. test is great.

You're looking great, and I'm praying that you'll have fresh encouragement to exercise & even enjoy it! Variety is helpful to me. I have a Walk Away the Pounds DVD that I love, but sometimes something different helps a lot! My body seems to be stuck in a standstill lately, but I can't give up! Anyways, keep up the good work! :)