Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Buan with Kelly

I went to Buan on my first motorcycle trip with Kelly. We had so much fun and I great time was had by all. When we went to the beach the first day it was low tide so the shore was very dirty and muddy. I was so disappointed that I had driven almost two hours to see such an ugly sight. The first place we stopped to walk on the beach I did find a live sand dollar that was really cool. Before we headed back we took a short walk and I stumbled on this old love motel.

I went exploring while Kelly stayed on the ground. If you don't know what a love motel is it is exactly what it sounds like. It is a place where men and women go during the day to have affairs. In Korea cars only have a combo of 4 letter or numbers on their license plate so it is very easy to memorize. So they hang these shades to make it harder for people driving by to see the license plates of the people who are using the love motel. At night the love motels are usually empty and very cheap to stay in. I had my first stay in a love motel on this trip. Here is the circle bed I stayed in.

One of my students also lives in this very small town we visited. He took us out for dinner. This place had more side dishes than any place I have every been to. It was awesome so I thought I would take a picture. After dinner we decided to take a few pictures of this huge town. We decided to walk home with our helmets on. It was great fun.

The next morning I wondered to the market for some fruit. I couldn't resist taking a picture of these awesome mannequins They spared no expense here! A butcher shop with the meat hanging in the open is very common here especially in the market. Don't worry I have never bought any meat from a market butcher. If you think this is weird you should see the fish!

When we went back to the ocean after a morning of lounging around in our room the water was beautiful. The pictures do not do it justice. We also saw some very old ships. One of the ships even had a dragon head on the mast.

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