Saturday, February 03, 2007

Total Phone Weirdness

I was sitting on my bed watching TV when my cell phone from the States started to ring my old Carrie Underwood ringer. I thought it was a little strange that I would have an alarm set for 3am especially with that ring, but you never know I have done stranger things. I opened my phone and it was someone calling from the Republican Party trying to gain support for their candidate. I put my cell phone on the do not call list a few years ago but I guess I can’t even escape from unwanted callers here in South Korea!! I had my phone disconnected before I left the States but somehow a call made it through. I am going to have to talk with the cell phone company about this.

Weirder still I just used Skype to dial my cell phone number and it rang again here in South Korea. I am going to call Verizon right now. This is nuts that I can get reception here, I am sure the prices of a phone call are just crazy! Please no one try and call me here. If you are wondering why I even have my cell phone on here, I use it as an alarm clock and I still have all my numbers stored there from everyone I call.

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