Friday, February 02, 2007

Vacation A Plenty

We got the great news that our work schedule will be changing after we return from our vacation. Right now I work Monday through Thursday. On Friday I have one or two classes, but I basically have the day off. Many people would think that this is great but it can be a pain because you can't really do anything on Friday except get caught up on sleep, email, and maybe plan for the next week. Here comes the good news... with our new schedules we work Monday through Friday for 7 we ks and then we get either 1 week off or 2 weeks off depending on the time of year! So in the one year I will be in South Korea I will get 7 week of vacation plus I will be finished with my contract 10 days earlier! Can you beat that? I don't think so! Below is the break down in case anyone has an inkling to come visit me in this beautiful country while I am gone. It is also so you know when I might be coming to visit you...

Vacation Periods
February 16th to March 4th
April 20th to April 29th
June 15th to July 1st
August 17th to September 2nd

1 comment:

Lydia Joyce said...

At least your birthday is off-- and anyone reading who doesn't know-- it's February 23rd!