Monday, August 13, 2007

Friday Night at My House

I had a bunch of people from church come over to my house for a mac and cheese dinner. At first I wanted it to be only the singles from the church, but it ended up being a mixture of many different age groups. We had a blast though. I think there were 12 to 15 people in my tiny apartment. We got a little crazy playing UNO. if you won the round you got to make a up a new punishment for the next round. I am not a big UNO fan but I am really glad I didn't play with them too.

Clockwise around the circle starting with the white hat guy: Joshua, Aaron, Alan, Eric, Erin, Jessica, and Claudine

Alan performing his punishment.

Erin had to do sit-ups!

They thought they would make it a little tougher on the guys. Alan sat on the guys while they did their push-ups. Look at those muscles.

It was also my pastor and his wives anniversary. I was watching the kids for them so they brought back a cake and celebrated with us too!

This is very popular in Korea to show you love someone!
Aren't they so cute!

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