Friday, June 30, 2006

Finally a "W"

I play for a coed church softball league. My church has participated for the past two years, but this year we didn't have enough people to have our own team. So like all good baptists we joined with another church because we absouletly had too!! (jk) Today we played our 5th game. Our first game was horrible. The score was 45 to 1. I am not joking about this either. Their first at bat lasted 30 minutes and we only play for an hour. We have been getting a little better and today was the best. We beat the best team in the league 21 to 17!! We finally played as a team and we conquerored. It was a great day in the history of the coed church softball league. Only two more wins and we will beat our record from last year!!


Abby said...

45 to 1 - WOW! That's some harsh scores! Glad to see you're shaping the team up! ha!

Natalie said...

Hey, Georgia!

You look great! How are you losing weight?
