Thursday, December 21, 2006

My New Friends Are Gone

I went to say goodnight to Link and Oliver and they were gone. I do not know if they have escaped and are now roaming around my room. I sure hope this is not the case! I did leave the food out for them though just in case. I still can't figure out how they escaped. I can't imagine someone coming into my room and taking two hamsters without their cage. Also nothing else has been disturbed. I sure hope this doesn't foreshadow my parenting skills! They only lasted 4 short days. Maybe they will come back. Does anyone know how to lure a hamster back to its cage?

1 comment:

ruth said...

Awww, that's sad! Don't ask me to give advice about parenting hamsters. I accidentally killed mine when I was a kid. One of my friends was coming over to see my new pet, and I noticed he was a little smelly. I wanted him to smell nice for my friend, so I sprayed him wih Lysol disinfectant spray. My friend couldn't understand why he wasn't moving when he picked him up... the rest is history.